About Us

Government, vide G.O.Ms.No.16 dt.25.02.2016 & G.O.Ms.No.103, dt.12.7.2016 of A&C(H&S) Dept., has issued orders for establishment of “Telangana State Horticulture Development Corporation Limited” to promote procurement, storage, processing and marketing of good quality Horticulture Crops and their products and also to facilitate implementation of water saving technologies like Micro Irrigation, Modern Machinery etc. Govt. has also accorded permission for Registration of Telangana State Horticulture Development Corporation Limited under the companies Act, 2013. Accordingly, registration has been completed on 15.07.2016 with Registration No.110936.


  • The Horticulture Corporation shall aim to enhance the overall income of the farmers by intervening in promoting Agriculture & Horticulture processing of fruits, vegetables, flowers and spices at various levels of crop production and processing.

  • The Corporation shall promote the availability of clean and safer (un-adulterated) food products like chilli powder, turmeric powder, ginger garlic paste, etc., directly to the people for their daily consumption.

  • The Corporation shall work in consultation and in coordination with Department of Horticulture, Agriculture, MGNREGS, RKVY, MIDH, Marketing, MARKFED and other related and relevant Government projects.

  • The Horticulture Corporation shall take up the Post-Harvest Interventions viz., Cold Chain System and procurement, Pre-cooling chambers, Pack Houses, Cold storage centers and total Supply Chain Management from the farmer to the final consumer.

  • The Corporation shall aim at adopting latest mechanization technology in Harvesting and Post Harvesting interventions. The corporation shall explore the possibilities of collaborating with private industries and existing food parks in PPP mode.

  • The corporation shall aim at export of the Vegetables, Fruits etc., to neighbouring States and other countries. The Corporation shall take up the marketing of all Horticulture crops of farmers.

  • The Corporation shall also promote Agri/Horticulture produce by taking up value addition activities such as Grading, Processing, Packing, Marketing of the finished commodities particularly by establishing a special brand of its own.


Board of Directors of TGHDCL

1. Sri. M.Raghunandan Rao


2. Smt. Shaik Yasmeen Basha

Vice Chairman & Managing Director

3. Sri. B. Gopi

Director Agriculture

4. Sri. A.Baghwan

Director Research, SKLTSHU

5. Smt. G. Laxmi Bai

Director Marketing

6. Sri. Ramulu

Managing Director TSAGROs

7. Smt. J. Shailaja

Dy. Secretary to Finance Department

8. Sri. R. P. Naidu

Asst. Manager, APEDA
















Activities Taken So Far

  • Implementation of Micro Irrigation Project with NABARD Assistance.

  • Promotion of Telangana Mangoes.

  • Conduct of trainings/seminars/work shops/awareness programs.

  • As part of implementation of AEP registered crop specific FPOs, Mango -  28 , Chillies - 25  , Turmeric – 21

  • Under Horticulture Cluster Development programme, erstwhile Mahabubnagar District is identified as Mango Cluster. Cluster Gap Assessment Report is approved by NHB, GOI. Identification of implementing agencies is under process.

Implementation of Micro Irrigation Project with NABARD Assistance

  • NABARD has sanctioned a term loan of Rs.874.00 crores under NIDA for implementation of Micro Irrigation Project in the State with approved project cost of Rs.1092.00 crores to cover an area of 1,26,000 ha. during 2016-17 & 2017-18. Further NABARD has accorded permission for extension of the project for 2018-19 also and coverage of addl. area of 13,000 ha.

  • Govt. vide G.O.Rt.No.6, dt:03.01.2017 of A&C (H&S) Dept. has accorded permission to borrow the loan from NABARD and given guarantee for repayment of loan covering principle and interest with budgetary support till the period of total outstanding loan along with interest is cleared, accordingly MoU has been entered with NABARD.

  • The project was implemented by making functional arrangement with TSMIP and implemented the project as per the TSMIP guidelines in vogue.

  • The project has been successfully completed as per the time lines indicated by the NABARD i.e. physical completion of the project by 30.09.2018 and disbursement of loan by 31.03.2019.

  • The total loan amount of Rs.874.00 crores was utilised along with state matching share of Rs.126.00 crores and covered an area of 1,50,462.10 Ha. covering 1,37,427 No. of farmers.

  • Out of the total area covered, an extent of 106845 ha. (90371 No of farmers) was covered under Drip Irrigation and 43550.17 ha.(46984 No of farmers) was covered under Sprinklers.

  • The KFW, German Team who have funded to NABARD has inspected the implementation of the project and appreciated the way the project has been prepared, structured, documented and commitment of the officials for implementing such a large scale project across the state.

  • The transparency and accountability systems adopted in implementation of the project was also appreciated by GOI.

  • NABCONS the subsidiary unit of NABARD who was entrusted with 3rd party verification and impact assessment of the MIP project has submitted the report stating that the project has made great impact on increase of yield (52%) and income of the farmers (53%) besides saving of water, power, labour, fertilizers etc. equivalent to Rs.9455.4 cr.

  • Further, an amount of Rs.199.90 Crores was received from TSMIP for implementation of PMKSY-PDMC-Micro irrigation during 2018-19 through TGHDCL

  • Based on the completed installations and approved proceedings received from the districts, so far an amount of Rs.160.46 cr. was released covering 28579.77 Ha. pertaining to 27419 farmers.



  • Govt. has nominated the Director of Horticulture, Telangana, Hyderabad as Nodal department / agency for implementation of Agriculture Export Policy in Telangana State with an aim to enhance and facilitate the Agri exports through Exporters, FPOs and Farmers thereby providing remunerative price to farming community.

  • Further, a state level monitoring committee under chairmanship of Chief Secretary was constituted to monitor and oversee the implementation of AEP in the State and 13 potential District Collectors nominated as crop cluster nodal officers for implementation of AEP at District level in the 1st phase vide ref.3rd cited.

  • Since the Govt. of Telangana has designated the Department of Horticulture as the Nodal Dept. for implementation of AEP, there is a need to develop sufficient infrastructure for export and also to form FPOs in the state.

  • In TGHDCL, one of the objective is “Organization and promotion of farmers producer organization to strengthen the Pre-harvesting and post harvesting interventions”.

  • By considering the importance of FPOs and AEP for facilitating collective procurement and marketing through business plan and it is proposed to encourage and facilitate the farmers for the formation of 180 crop specific FPOs i.e., Mango(60), Chillies (60) and Turmeric (60) in 13 potential districts considering the surplus production in the state

  • On pilot basis, TGHDCL
     has decided to promote 84 FPOs (32 Mango, 29 Turmeric, 23 Chillies) in 13 Districts (newly formed districts). Out of which, 74 FPOs are registered under Companies Act 2013.

  • Further Mango farmers are being registered in the Hortinet (APEDA website) to facilitate marketing linkage between farmers and exporters.

  • Training/ sensitization programmes to farmers & field functionaries are being organised for formation of FPOs on pre and postharvest interventions like registration procedures, dissemination of package of practices, implementation of GAP, traceability, disease surveillance, processing and value addition, export standards and market linkages etc.

Promotion of Telangana Mangoes

  • Popularized Baneshan and Himayath Varieties of Mangoes of Kollapur and Jagithyal regions by conduct of sale counters at Telangana Bhavan, New Delhi during May, 2017.

  • Mangoes were procured from the farmers directly and paid premium price i.e. 25% higher than the market price.

  • Mangoes were minimally processed, ripened in ripening chambers (Carbide free) and sent to New Delhi.

  • About 14.37 Mts mangoes were sold and established the brand image to Telangana Mangoes.

  • Participated in Mango Buyer seller meet organized by APEDA at Mumbai and displayed potential varieties i.e. Baneshan and Hiamyath varieties to popularize and explore the possibilities to export the Telangana Mangoes.

  • Virtual Buyer Seller meet was organized during 2021 Mango season in collaboration with APEDA and created market avenues to Telangana Mango across the country during COVID pandemic.

  • Buyer seller meet was organized during 2022 Mango season in collaboration with APEDA at Hyderabad and created market avenues to Telangana Mango across the country and increased exports.

CSS-Horticulture Cluster Development Programme


  • The Cluster Development Programme (CDP) is designed to leverage geographic specialization of horticulture clusters for promoting integrated and market led development of pre-production, production, post-harvest, logistics, branding and marketing activities.


  • Address the concerns of the Horticulture value chain, from pre-production, production, post-harvest management and value addition to logistics, marketing and branding, in an integrated manner for accelerating competitiveness in the domestic and export market.

  • Reduce harvest and post-harvest losses by developing/ expanding/ upgrading the infrastructure for post-harvest handling of produce and market linkages.

  • Facilitate the dovetailing of resources, including convergence of various government schemes in order to entrench stakeholders in the global value chains.

  • Facilitate the introduction of innovative technologies and practices to help enhance the global competitiveness of focus cluster crops.

  • Build the capacity of stakeholders and enhance farmers’ income through cluster-specific interventions, including brand promotion.



Implementation of Cluster Development Programme (Click here for more information)






































































































Contact Us

Telangana State Horticulture Development Corporation Limited

Address: THTI,1S, Beside Criminal Court
                          Nampally, Hyderabad-500004
Telefax: 040-23327581

Sl. No. Name of the Officer Designation Contact No.
1 Smt. Shaik Yasmeen Basha VC & MD (Appellate Authority)  
2 Shri.B. Babu General Manager (PIO) 8977714519
3 Smt.K.Latha  AGM (APIO) 8374449011
4 Smt.K.Sravanthi Horticulture Officer 8977714410

E-mail: hdcl-horti[at]telangana[dot]gov[dot]in