GOs and Memos

SNo. GOs/ Memos Date
1 Establishment of TSHDCL (GO No.16) 25-02-2016
2 Establishment of new company under TSHDCL(GO No. 103) 12-07-2016
3 Incorporation certificate  
4 GO 313 14-08-2019
5 GO 519 29-11-2019
6 GO 251 13-05-2021
7 GO 270 14-06-2022
8 GO 35 17-10-2022
  • Further proposals were submitted to Govt. to accord approval and allocation of Budget for the same and orders are awaited.




























































































Contact Us

Telangana State Horticulture Development Corporation Limited

Address: THTI,1S, Beside Criminal Court
                          Nampally, Hyderabad-500004
Telefax: 040-23327581

Sl. No. Name of the Officer Designation Contact No.
1 Smt. Shaik Yasmeen Basha VC & MD (Appellate Authority)  
2 Shri.B. Babu General Manager (PIO) 8977714519
3 Smt.K.Latha  AGM (APIO) 8374449011
4 Smt.K.Sravanthi Horticulture Officer 8977714410

E-mail: hdcl-horti[at]telangana[dot]gov[dot]in